Spanish while travelling
広大で多様な自然を誇るハエン県ですが、他にも訪れたい場所がたくさんあります。県都で見逃せないのは、ルネサンス様式のハエン大聖堂や、街を見下ろす丘の上に建つアラブの要塞サンタ・カタリーナ城でしょう。しかし最も有名なのは、ウベダとバエサの記念碑的建造物群でしょう。ここには、ウベダのサンタ・マリア大聖堂や、バエサ大聖堂など、貴重な建造物がたくさん見られます。 is a non-commercial information website.
Our mission is to provide you with free information to plan your dream holiday with Spanish. Here you will find a selection of courses from 52 schools in the region of Andalusia, along with direct school contact details. Extenda, the Promotion Agency of Andalusia, was established by the Autonomous Government of the region. We are one of dozens of teams scattered around the world that combine their work with a real passion.
Through the website, we want to help everyone quickly discover the offer of individual language schools in Andalusia as well as the attractions of each location.