Spanish in Andalusia is more than just learning. It's leisure!

Centro MundoLengua

Cervantes Institute Certificate

+34 954 00 42 65

Cuesta del Rosario 8, Casa 1 - 4ºA. 41004 Sevilla
Google Map

Centro MundoLengua is a language school and educational travel agency in one. It is located in the centre of Seville, in the older part of the city, in the Santa Cruz district. The school is 20 minutes on foot from Sevilla’s main railway station and less than 10 minutes from major sights such as La Giralda and the Alcázar Palace.
In Centro MundoLengua, it is believed that the best way to learn a language is to get to know its culture. That is why the school offers a lot of interesting activities such as:
– social activities: tapas evenings, film evenings, language tandems and sports meetings with Spanish students, volunteering and football matches.
– cultural activities: cultural tours, Spanish cuisine workshops, flamenco, gymkhana shows.
– sporting activities: flamenco lessons, surfing lessons, beach sports, canoeing, cycling, boating, etc.
– tours: different parts of Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Gibraltar.

Accommodation with Spanish families plays a key role in the Centro MundoLengua programme. It allows the student to completely “immerse themselves” in the culture and language while getting to know the realities of living with the local family and being part of it, as well as using Spanish at all times. The families where the school’s students are placed are selected through a careful and reliable verification process.
As part of its ongoing teacher education programmes, the school has been working with the American College Board since 2005, offering the only summer course accredited outside the United States (AP) for teachers of Spanish language and culture.
In addition, Centro MundoLengua has signed agreements with the main universities in Spain, so it can help foreign universities to organise study programmes in Spain.

Course type

  • Summer programme with intensive Spanish in cooperation with the University of Cádiz / Programa de verano de español intensivo en colaboración con la Universidad de Cádiz
  • Summer programme with Spanish and Arabic in cooperation with the University of Sevilla / Programa de verano de español y árabe en colaboración con la Universidad de Sevilla
  • DELE exam preparatory course in Sevilla and Cádiz / Curso de Español DELE en Sevilla y Cádiz
  • Individual Spanish classes in Sevilla / Clases privadas de español en Sevilla
  • Customised programmes for university groups (business/medical Spanish; visits in companies, etc.) / Programas personalizados para grupos de universidades (español de negocios/ médico etc.)
  • Customised programs for primary and secondary school groups / Programas personalizados para grupos de colegios e institutos
  • Language tandem programme with Spanish students / Programa de Intercambio Lingüístico con Estudiantes Españoles
  • Educational and cultural trips in Spain / Tours Educativos y Culturales en España
  • Aid programme for Autonomous communities in Sevilla and Cádiz / Programa de Ayuda a la Comunidad en Sevilla y Cádiz
  • Internship programme in Spanish companies / Programa de prácticas en empresas españolas
  • AP Spanish course in Sevilla and Cádiz for secondary school students / Curso de AP Lengua Española en Sevilla y Cádiz para estudiantes de institutos
  • AP Spanish Literature course in Sevilla and Cádiz for secondary school students / Curso de AP Literatura Española en Sevilla y Cádiz para estudiantes de institutos
  • “Summer programme with Spanish cuisine and culture” in collaboration with the F35Pablo de Olavide University in Sewilla / “Programa de verano de cocina y cultura española”
  • “Spanish language and culture programme in Sevilla and Cádiz” for primary and secondary school students / “Programa de lengua y cultura española en Sevilla y Cádiz”
  • Summer workshops: AP Spanish language and culture for secondary school teachers in Sevilla and Madrid / Taller de Verano: AP Lengua Española y Cultura para Profesores de Secundaria en Sevilla y en


accommodation with Spanish families
social, cultural and sporting activities
trips to different parts of Spain and to Portugal, Morocco and Gibraltar
optional: advice, pick-up from the airport / bus or train station, orientation assistance at the destination, school materials, health insurance, 24-hour assistance, volunteer and internship opportunities, certificates, etc.

Centro MundoLengua
Seville mission is a non-commercial information website.

Our mission is to provide you with free information to plan your dream holiday with Spanish. Here you will find a selection of courses from 52 schools in the region of Andalusia, along with direct school contact details. Extenda, the Promotion Agency of Andalusia, was established by the Autonomous Government of the region. We are one of dozens of teams scattered around the world that combine their work with a real passion.

Through the website, we want to help everyone quickly discover the offer of individual language schools in Andalusia as well as the attractions of each location.